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Bell's in the Batfry

Dec 20, 2017

The 2017 Christmas Special, with all the excitement of the holidays!!  ...but no singing.

Special thanx to these singers from the Facebook Page, "Bell's in the Batfry Fan Group Thingee":

Jeff Musick

Jason Lavallee

Yoel Strimling

Laura Cody

Harry Poulter

As well as my buddies:

Becky Beach

Leeland Kirwan

Holly, Thomas,...

Dec 7, 2017

Yes, I CAN be serious (to a degree) on occasion.  Net Neutrality is a threat to the Internet as we know it.  This editorial is short and relatively give it a listen!

Then DO something!

Nov 18, 2017

Find out WHY Thanksgiving seems to be overlooked every year... and HOW to rectify the situation!

A Halloween Bonus

Oct 31, 2017

A bit I produced some thirty odd years ago!

Oct 28, 2017

Orson Welles' War of the Worlds....the way it SHOULD have been!

With Becky Beach.

"Musical Number" created by Jolene Roxbury.