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Bell's in the Batfry

Jan 26, 2008

After an explanation of what I'm trying to do, here... I play a deleted scene from episode 63... and I also have a bit that I did on the radio locally!

Please leave comments, suggestions, and questions at

Go to the Forum, look under "Bell's in the Batfry" for "Bloopers 'n' Extras"

Jan 23, 2008

Mr. Whizzr'd returns to explain Sonar and Radar to Billy!

The premiere of the Bucky the Plucky Cowlet TV reality show!

And another foray into.... THE ALTERNATE UNIVERSE!!!  Another listener-written brouhaha (which means you blame Jeff T. Musick and not ME)!!

PLEASE leave comments at!

Jan 15, 2008

Miss Shmacklehiemer and Walt don't always have thier sessions go smoothly...

Jan 14, 2008

Our first show both at our new host address ( and from our new Batfry Building (the previous building having been incinerated in a recent episode).

In this episode, we explore our new digs.

Extra voices and material:

Aunt Harriet.... Becky Beach
Walt Snider....  Walt Snider
Miss Shmacklehiemer....  Cindy...

Jan 10, 2008

Arnie and the Kiddie Kamper Kid.... unedited!